Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday...Day 4 in the hospital

Thanks to the Dilaudin, Jon was able to sleep a little better, but on Friday morning his fever was still going up and down like a roller coaster.  We were very anxious for the test results that were supposed to be ready sometime that day. 

Around 11:00, we saw Dr. Bekele.  He did not know about the fluid results.  Instead, he came to inform us that there was still fluid in Jon's chest, but since his pain was down they were going to leave it until they knew more about what was causing it. He also prescribed Jon Moxifloxacin, an antibiotic to fight any kind of infection that might be in his body.

We continued to wait for the results for most of the day.  Jon walked a few laps throughout the day and actually seemed to be getting faster :)

Finally, later in the afternoon Dr. Miller finally came to see us.  She said the results had come back, but they were not clear enough for her to make a diagnosis. Because the fluid had some highly suspicious cells, she sent specimens to NIH for a second opinion.  Jon has an appointment at NIH on Tuesday at 11:30, and we should get their diagnosis then.

The best news of the day was that, as long as Jon was not in a lot of pain and as long as is fever was under control, he will be coming home tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Friday was the hardest day because we were hoping and waiting for some results. Trying to keep our spirits up Anne and I took Jon for a trip down to the hospital cafeteria where Jon selected some Chick Filet nuggets. I have been struck by how caring everyone is in this hospital. From the doctors and nurses to the people in the elevator and kitchen staff, everyone has a smile and encouraging word for us. We feel blessed to have Jon here at St. Agnes. Jon has been such a trooper though all of this. He takes things one step at a time and will do whatever the doctors tell him. He never once forgot to thank his doctors and nurses. (Can you tell I am a proud Mom?)
