Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday 7/15/11

Jon didn't have to do much today which was good after his eventful day at NIH the day before. He slept in and then made his way downstairs. Dr. Stewart called to let him know that they had looked at his scans and planned to remove the fluid with the same procedure as before. Once they removed some of the fluid, they will decide if he should have surgery to keep the fluid from coming back. Jon has to be at NIH at 7:30 Monday morning, and they told him to be prepared to stay a few days. It finally feels like things are going to start happening, which will put him on the road to getting better.

Like she has been doing everyday since I have been back at work, Jon's mom came over for a visit to check on him. She brought him one of his favorite soups: miso soup. He ate that for lunch and then continued to watch tv and take it easy. When I got home, we figured out what kind of pizza we were going to order and waited for Pat, Roscoe, and Melia to get here. We had a movie night so Jon could see some of his friends with out doing too much. We ate pizza and watched Unstoppable, which was good!

Once everyone left, we made our way up "everest" and went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Jon and Anne are blessed with great friends who cheer them up and keep them entertained:)
