Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011

Jon is continuing his fight, he has had some really good days since his last check up October 28th. He did get sick as soon as we got home from the hospital that day but he didn't get sick again for an entire week! That week he was able to brainstorm and consider different foods. We read through a book the nutritionist gave use that helped figure out foods that were easy to digest and compared those with foods that were listed on different websites as cancer fighting foods. He made a list of foods that he was interested in and sent me to the store! That night he ate a WHOLE ham sandwich on white bread with the crust removed (white is easier to digest than wheat) with hummus. Once he finished his sandwich he snacked on pretzels and hummus. Later that night he had some sherbet for dessert! That was a very rare night, he doesn't eat that much on a regular basis. However he has been able to eat a little better variety of foods. Some of which include: avocados with a little salt and ranch, (after Pastor Mike shared how he ate avocados) guacamole with pretzels, hummus with pretzels, poached eggs and tonight had some of an egg burrito. This sounds like he is really eating a lot but remember on most nights he still only eats small portions.

Yesterday and today were a little rough, the tumor fevers returned and made him very uncomfortable and have trouble sleeping. He slept pretty good for a few hours this afternoon and into the evening, and woke up feeling a little better. I sat with him when he woke up and watched a little TV to keep him company, while sitting there Baby Bruce decided to start kicking/moving and Jon was able to feel her for the first time! He was very excited and worried he was pushing on my stomach too hard. He wasn't pushing nearly as hard as they do when they did the sonogram. Today ended a lot better than it began :)

"Baby Bruce" update
We have picked a nursery color, and bought paint thank you Dulaney High School for the Home Depot gift card!! We are also about 95% set on a name for our little girl. However we are keeping it "Top Secret" till she arrives. Sorry! I want to share it but I want it to be a surprise too :) She continues to get bigger and more noticeable. She was extremely active Sunday night when I went to bed, I don't want to admit this but it was almost like she was doing a celebration dance for the Raven's big win (I am a Redskins fan). She is about 1lb. and the size of a spaghetti squash according to one of my apps ;)

We continue to take each day as it comes and be thankful for the small things that make the day a little better.

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for you all and thinking of you often. Was wondering...does Jon like worship music at all? Good to hear about Jon trying to eat some good fat (guac, avocado). I hope he gets more and more days where he can enjoy food and not feel sick. So glad to hear about baby Bruce being so active too. Isn't it amazing to feel your baby moving around Anne? It's the best! I'm glad Jon can begin experiencing that now too. Such a wonderful joy to experience....Peace to you and your family. -Geneva
