Thursday, March 15, 2012


I know that all of you are hoping for a post saying that I am at the hospital, but unfortunately we are not there yet. I was supposed to have an appointment on Tuesday, but the doctor had a delivery and had to reschedule my appointment for today. I have an appointment at 6:15 this evening and will hopefully find out when we will meet little miss Bruce. I will try to post another blog after my appointment or tomorrow to let everyone know what he says at today’s appointment. 

I would like to ask that we keep her name and pictures private when she arrives. I know everyone is DYING to know the name but Jon and I did/do not want her all over facebook right away. Please respect our wishes and privacy during this time. I promise her name will be revealed when she arrives but not as a facebook status.

1 comment:

  1. Anne,

    Good luck with your labor/birth experience! I am so excited for you to meet your and Jon's daughter. (And i barely know you!) But, i'm a mom and i know how amazing it's going to be for you to see her face and hold her in your arms. I think it will be healing, and fill your heart with joy and love. Peace, health, and strength to you on your girls birthday!
