Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One week home!

We have officially been home for one week! Maddox and I are doing well. We have had lots of help from my mom, my sister Erika, and my Aunt Connie. They have all stayed overnight and helped me.

Maddox has been doing really well with nursing, sleeping and lets not forget pooping ;) she is a very easy going baby, and does not fuss much. Last night I put her on her stomach and she is already lifting her head! When holding her and burping her we have to watch out because she is constantly lifting her head and she is able to hold it! Dr. Wells her pediatrician says she is very strong! she should not be doing this for another month!

As for me, I am healing more and more each day. I feel like I am getting around a little better with each day. I have stopped taking the intense pain meds and am only taking Motrin. I am able to drive again on Saturday which will be nice. Maddox and I can start getting out of the house.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, we really appreciate all the support everyone has shown us.

HERE SHE IS...MADDOX FAITH BRUCE! (hanging out at the Grilled Cheese and Co.)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Home Sweet Home

(This is from last wednesday I forgot to publish)

We started our morning bright and early, we were both checked out by our doctors and nurses to make sure we were both healthy enough to head home. Maddox passed her check up with flying colors. Dr. Vietz removed my staples and checked my incision and and cleared me to head home. We were not in a rush so we laid back down and rested for a little while before we started our day.

Around 8:00 we started our day with showers. My mom showered first so she could watch Maddox while I showered. After that is was time to pack up our room. My stepdad Donnie came to help us get home, he brought us breakfast and loaded the car.

We made it home safely and introduced Maddox and Fisher :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

1st Annual Jon Bruce Memorial Softball Classic

We have finally found a venue that is able to handle the amount of interest and support that we have for the  1st Annual Jon Bruce Memorial Softball Classic! I wanted to post the information here for anyone that doesn't have have facebook to see the details. Ben Poole-McCullough is the contact for the event, his information is included in the event details. 

Thank you everyone for the support, can't wait to celebrate Jon's Birthday with everyone! It will be a great way to spend his birthday. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

At 1:56pm, weighing 7.4 pounds, and 20inches long, she has arrived! Everything was going good, we ended up having to have an emergency C-Section, but we are both happy and healthy. Maddox Faith Bruce and I thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hospital Time

I went in for my appointment this morning and nothing was happening. The doctor sent me for a non stress test and while I was being monitored I had a contraction that I did not feel. However the baby did feel it, and her heart rate went a little low. Nothing to be alarmed by, but they wanted to keep me hooked to a monitor. So...Here I am typing a blog post from my hospital room. I am being monitored and induced tomorrow.

I am feeling good and waiting for her arrival.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rescheduled again...

The doctor had to reschedule my appointment again he had another delivery. I have an appointment tomorrow at 11. 



I know that all of you are hoping for a post saying that I am at the hospital, but unfortunately we are not there yet. I was supposed to have an appointment on Tuesday, but the doctor had a delivery and had to reschedule my appointment for today. I have an appointment at 6:15 this evening and will hopefully find out when we will meet little miss Bruce. I will try to post another blog after my appointment or tomorrow to let everyone know what he says at today’s appointment. 

I would like to ask that we keep her name and pictures private when she arrives. I know everyone is DYING to know the name but Jon and I did/do not want her all over facebook right away. Please respect our wishes and privacy during this time. I promise her name will be revealed when she arrives but not as a facebook status.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Due Date…Still Pregnant.

When we first found out we were pregnant, I went to the doctor and they confirmed it. Yep we would be having a little Jon or Anne running around in 9 months! Yikes! We were very excited, the doctor originally gave us the due date of March 12, 2012. We really liked that date…3/12/12 kind of cool and easy to remember. However when we went for our sonogram they predicted my due date to be today, March 13. We decided to stick with the first date because the doctor said the later the sonogram the farther off they are. Some may already know this, but Jon was born on his due date, and I was born on mine. We were hoping she would decided to arrive on hers as well. We technically gave her two days, the 12th is gone so maybe later today. ;)

She seems very content, there are no signs of labor yet…we still have 9 hours left of today ;)

I am feeling good, slightly swollen but it's not terrible. I am trying to drink plenty of water and keep my feet up. I will do my best to keep everyone posted on our progress. I might have to call on a guest blogger for the next post ;)