Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday 1/22/12

I had to deal with a tough thing this week but it went well. Friday afternoon I picked up Jon's ashes from the anatomy board. I was having a hard time preparing for it and was a little nervous about how I would feel doing it. Once I arrived at the building it was a numb feeling, almost like this is a job, this isn't Jon he isn't here. I dealt with people that knew nothing about about me or him, and it made it easier. I showed my drivers license, and signed in. Went where the guard told me to go, signed another paper and then they were mine. It was strange to think about what I was holding but I immediately became very protective over this box. I plan to have the ashes buried in westminster in the spring.

I also did not get to have my appointment for Baby Bruce because my Dr. had a delivery. It is rescheduled for this week. 

The rest of my weekend has been filled with lots of surprises…3 surprise parties! Happy 16th birthday to Claudia Dorsey, Happy 30th Birthday to Joe Fiorani, and today I will help surprise my grandparents as they celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary! It has been a happy weekend which was needed after Friday. 

I will also be rooting for the Raven's today for Jon he would be so excited that they have made it this far, and he would be pretty impressed with all the nice things I have been saying about the Ravens. For those that don't know, I am a REDSKINS fan all the way! However I made a promise with Jon a few years ago, once the Redskins season was finished if the Raven's were still going I would support my home team. These past few weeks I have been fully supporting the Raven's for Jon. I hope this is the year they win the super bowl for him :)

This is a picture taken last year when again, the Redskins coudn't get their act together. He lent me his Ray Rice jersey for the day. He was very happy to see me wearing black and purple. I was still a little unsure how I felt about the black and purple at the time. This year I am 100% okay with it :)


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